Blockchain in bits – A technical insight

In our previous two articles, we articulated several real-life use cases for Blockchain implementations, and we have also elaborated conceptually how Blockchain differs from current/previous data storage architecture as well as other conceptual benefits of Blockchain as a platform. In this article, we touch upon the technical components of Blockchain networks and Smart Contracts, and […]

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Blockchain, lifting the lid on confusing concepts

In the previous article An Internet of Value – Blockchain, beyond the hype and why CxO’s must take note, we articulated why blockchain is more than just hype and provided some real-life use cases as to where/how blockchain is already helping businesses. But we want to dig deeper within this article, the second in a series […]

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An Internet of Value – Blockchain, beyond the hype and why CxO’s must take note

Author: Etienne Oosthuysen A Blockchain, in its simplest form, is a distributed database system where there is no one master (primary) database, but many databases that are all considered primary. All parties participate in populating entries into the respective databases and receive the entries of the other participants. But how does this apply to your […]

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