See how we designed and developed global cyber security capability maturity monitoring and analysis for effective benchmarking and future planning activities for this large Australian utility.

The Problem 

One of SA’s leading utilities customer are required to complete an annual self-assessment questionnaire rating themselves against a number of key objectives and capabilities relating to Cyber Security. An overarching global Cybersecurity Capability Maturity Model exists and is designed to help organisations of all types evaluate and make improvements to their cybersecurity programs. The model helps organisations to evaluate cybersecurity capabilities consistently, communicate capability levels in meaningful terms, and prioritise cybersecurity investments. Each year these survey responses need to be collated and presented back to key stakeholders during an annual review and planning roadshow. It is essential the information is visualised in a clear and concise manner so it can be presented and analysed for effective benchmarking and future planning activities.

The Solution 

An Excel template was established to capture and collate all survey results for each stakeholder group in a consistent way. This file was hosted in a Sharepoint document library where a Power BI data connection was established to import the table data into the data model, ready for visualisation purposes. Using an agile delivery approach, Exposécreated a proof of concept solution that could be later expanded upon, which visualised all eight company’s self-assessment questionnaire outcomes in a number of different dashboards. A Power BI App was developed to create a seamless and interactive user experience, enabling the report viewer to explore the survey results by interacting and cross-filtering the visuals, as well as drilling through to the underlying details for added context.

The Business Benefits

This new Power BI App was used by the Manager of Cyber Security to present the survey results to the parent company and share the findings with key stakeholders globally. The reporting suite included a set of visuals illustrating each stakeholder group’s results, preserving company confidentiality during assessment review sessions. Additional analytical reports illustrated the overall results summary by implementation status, domain, progress completion and company comparison. In addition, the dashboards highlighted the highest and lowest-performing stakeholders in terms of maturity level and allowed for easier benchmarking across all stakeholder groups. Our Exposé team have recently helped transfer the ongoing ownership and management of this solution to one of the stakeholder groups who has since taken over the responsibility of collecting, collating and communicating survey results in the future.

Download the full case study here.

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