Say that Again? Power BI Commentary extends to Reports
Author: Etienne Oosthuysen Power BI recently announced the extension of its commentary capability to Power BI reports. Yes, you can now add comments to both report pages or specific visuals to improve your data discussions! These conversations are automatically bookmarked, so the report context is retained exactly as the comment was written, complete with the […]
Read MoreDatabricks: distilling Information from Data
Author: Rory Tarnow-Mordi In the first of this series of articles on Databricks, we looked at how Databricks works and the general benefits it brings to organisations ready to do more with their data assets. In this post we build upon this theme in the advanced analytics space. We will also walk through an interesting […]
Read MoreDatabricks: beyond the guff, business benefits and why businesses should care. Here’s a cheat-sheet to get you started
Author: Etienne Oosthuysen Search for info on Azure Databricks and you’ll likely hear it described along the lines of “a managed Apache Spark platform that brings together data science, data engineering, and data analysis on the Azure platform”. The finer nuances and, importantly, information about the business benefits of this platform can be trickier to […]
Read MoreYoung, female and paving the way for technology in South Australia
We recently joined forces with St. Peter’s Girls’ Collegiate School, facilitating an 8-week data and analytics project for Year 11 students. This exercise provided the girls with real-world skills development but most importantly, opened their eyes to what a career in IT can look like, dispelling some of the misconceptions in the process. View the […]
Read MoreGov Hack 2018 – Our Winning Emergency Response Exposed
Author: Etienne Oosthuysen This year we got a team together and entered the 2018 Gov Hack competition. Over the course of 46 hours, we built a solution that brings together fragmented datasets, some of which are listed below, in an Emergency Response solution, adhering to the spirit of Gov Hack by showing the power of […]
Read MoreArtificial Intelligence in Aged Care – June’s story
Meet June; long time Adelaidean, keen gardener and grandmother of twelve! At 86 years ‘young’, June moved from her own home into a local aged care facility following a series of falls that saw her hospitalised over the summer. June was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease 18 months ago and following an increasing number of falls, […]
Read MoreArtificial Intelligence and Occupational Health and Safety – AI an enabler or a threat
Author: Etienne Oosthuysen We increasingly hear statements like, “machines are smarter than us” and “they will take over our jobs”. The fact of the matter is that computers can simply compute faster, and more accurately than humans can. So, in the short video below, we instead focus on how machines can be used to assist […]
Read MoreTableau Prep – we test drive this new user-centred data preparation tool
Data preparation is undoubtedly one of the most competency-reliant and time-consuming parts of report generation. For this reason, it is fast becoming the new focal area for further development and we are seeing a large uptick in the number of options being made available to help alleviate these issues. One recent entrant to this space […]
Read MoreCommon Data Service (CDS) – A Common Data Model. Accelerate your ability to provide insights into your business data
If you’ve been following Microsoft’s recent press releases, chances are you’ll have been exposed to the term “Common Data Service” (CDS). Read on as we shed light on the exact nature of CDS and what it can mean to your business. Back in November 2016, Microsoft released their Common Data Service to general availability. In […]
Read MoreEuropean GDPR and its impact on Australian organisations. We give you the low-down from an analytic tool perspective.
Author: Etienne Oosthuysen What is the European GDPR and how will it impact Australian organisations? We give you the low-down from an analytic tool perspective. GDPR (General Data Protection Rules) is the European privacy and data protection law that comes into effect on the 25th of May 2018. This surely doesn’t affect Australian companies, right? […]
Read MoreA Power BI Cheat Sheet – demystifying its concepts, variants and licencing
Author: Etienne Oosthuysen Power BI has truly evolved over the past few years. From an add-on in Excel to a true organisation wide BI platform, capable of scaling to meet the demands of large organisations; both in terms of data volumes and the number of users. Power BI now has multiple flavors and a much […]
Read MoreBlockchain in bits – A technical insight
In our previous two articles, we articulated several real-life use cases for Blockchain implementations, and we have also elaborated conceptually how Blockchain differs from current/previous data storage architecture as well as other conceptual benefits of Blockchain as a platform. In this article, we touch upon the technical components of Blockchain networks and Smart Contracts, and […]
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